The Tau were at a slight advantage after Mu'gulath Bay and Voltoris, for the Imperium had transferred much of Prefectia's garrison to wage these campaigns. However Prefectia was rich in Geomagnetic energy and on the borders of the Eastern Fringe, and thus Imperium had turned the world into a planet-sized Fortress. The Imperial world of Prefectia was the ideal staging ground from which the Tau could engineer the fall of the entire Dovar System. The Dovar System included the Gilded Worlds, a system impossibly rich in precious metals. She became even more motivated following her defeat at the Battle of Voltoris, determined to regain the initiative. Following the decisive Tau victory at the Battle of Mu'gulath Bay, Tau Supreme Commander Shadowsun immediately began planning a new general offensive, this time aimed at the Dovar System.